Tramp with the wanderers!
We really believe in tramping with a club!
- When you come with us you have no need to organise transport, and when trips start and end at different places that can be an issue for private tramps.
- All trips are thoroughly researched beforehand, usually having been walked by the leaders within a few weeks of the trip.
- First aid kits, personal locator beacons, and offline phone maps are carried on all trips.
- Leaders and members continuously check on everyone in the group to ensure they are coping and stay in contact.
To help you decide which trips will suit your skills and plans we publish a bulletin 3 times a year. Members get this mailed to them in hard copy, and everyone can read it on this web site.
We also email reminders before each trip, containing a description of the trip, and links to recently updated content on the web site - photos, trip reports and so on.
Contact Details
Wanderers Tramping Club Inc.
8 Camberly Way
Hamilton 3210
Bank account number 03-0306-0208429-000. Account name Wanderers Tramping Club Inc
Also, always put your name in the reference field!
President: Dianne Lee
Secretary: Sue Grocott
Webmaster: TBA
New members convenor: Sue Grocott
Transport Coordinator: Dianne Lee
General information
The Club bulletin contains full details of trips and events, reports, booking information and past trips. All members are sent it by mail 3 times per year. Download a .pdf of the current club bulletin here
Joining the Wanderers. Click here to learn about Members and Friends of the Wanderers
New trampers A list of things that trip members need to know can be downloaded here as a .pdf. All new trip members should review this before they come out for the first time.
Emergency form It is a long while since any one has been in need of intensive care, but just in case it happens to you we ask all trampers to carry with them in an accessible place in their pack a completed emergency form, which you can find here. Having a list of medical conditions and medications will allow medical staff in an emergency to avoid giving inappropriate care.
Reading .pdf files Most computers already have the ability to open files of this type. If yours does not, you can safely download and install a reader from here. (Just click on the underlined word)