
Trip information, past trips and contacts for Wanderers Tramping Club

Welcome to the Wanderers Web Site


About us

This tramping club is based in Hamilton and run trips every second Sunday except during January, on tracks within the greater Waikato area.

We usually have minibuses to transport us so we can socialise on the way.

On long weekends we sometimes travel further afield, with overnight trips to a lodge or hut near a great tramping area somewhere within a few hours of Hamilton.

Our focus is on having an enjoyable and energetic day in the hills - we leave the high-speed gut-busting to other people. The companionship and conversations are an essential part of any tramp, but at the end of the day we also know we have had great exercise as well.

Loan gear may be available for those who are new to this sport.

Contact Dianne Lee  for more information.  Email:

New Member Info

New or potential members should read our contacts page. Read why you should tramp with a Club, and download a document that tells you what you need to know about coming out with us. Even existing members should download and check the Emergency form.

Fees are now due!

Important Information

If you are paying by internet for a Sunday tramp, please pay by the Monday night following .  The accounts will be checked post tramps  to keep the records straight.

The subscription rates are:

Individual    $20
Family         $26
Subscriptions are due by 16 February 2025. Otherwise you will pay non member costs for tramps and no bulletin.
Bank account number 03-0306-0208429-000. Account name Wanderers Tramping Club Inc

Also, always put your name in the reference field!


Latest Bulletin

The latest bulletin can be viewed here


Look here for details on our next walk

(Last updated  18 February 2025)


IMPORTANT INFORMATION:   if you are paying by internet for a Sunday tramp, please pay by the Monday night following so I can balance the accounts. I will be checking and following up to keep the records straight.


Sunday 2 March      Te Aroha Wetlands plus a Surprise                        Grade 1+

We will make our way to Spur Street (by the sports clubrooms at Boyd Park), Te Aroha where we will park and have morning tea. This wetland is also known as the Howarth Memorial Wetlands and is approx. 1-1.5h (3.2km), easy walk mostly flat on track/ boardwalk with bird watching and great views of the wetlands.

We will make our way to the surprise tramp called the Tui-Domain track which we have not done. It is about 5km return and have lunch on this track.

Coffee/ice cream on way home.

Depart:                   8am                                    Return: 4-5pm approx..

Cost:                       $25.00 (members) : $30.00 (non-members)

Leaders:                 Roger McGirr and friends

Bookings Open:    Monday 17 February @ 6pm

Contact:   Margaret Standing   Phone/Txt 021 253 1105 :    Email